In 2022, the rice harvest area will reach around 108.23 thousand hectares production of 343.92 thousand tons of GKG. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Barito Timur Regency

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In 2022, the rice harvest area will reach around 108.23 thousand hectares production of 343.92 thousand tons of GKG.

Release Date : March 1, 2023
File Size : 2.8 MB


The paddy harvested area in 2022 will reach around 108.23 thousand hectares, a decrease of 17.64 thousand hectares or 14.02 percent compared to the paddy harvested area in 2021 which was 125.87 thousand hectares.
  • Paddy production in 2022, which is 343.92 thousand tons of GKG, has decreased by 37.27 thousand tons or 9.78 percent compared to rice production in 2021 which amounted to 381.19 thousand tons of GKG.
  • Rice production in 2022 for food consumption for the population will reach 204.29 thousand tons, a decrease of 22.14 thousand tons or 9.78 percent compared to rice production in 2021 which amounted to 226.43 tons.
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

    BPS-Statistics Indonesia

    Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Barito Timur (Statistics of Barito Timur Regency)Jl. Manunggal No. 013 Tamiang Layang 73611 Barito Timur

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