During April 2019, inflation occurred in Palangka Raya (0.32 percent) and in Sampit (0.66 percent). - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Barito Timur Regency

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During April 2019, inflation occurred in Palangka Raya (0.32 percent) and in Sampit (0.66 percent).

Release Date : May 2, 2019
File Size : 0.34 MB


Of the 82 cities monitoring national CPI, 77 cities experienced inflation and 5 cities experienced deflation. The highest inflation occurred in Medan (1.30 percent) and the highest deflation in Manado (1.27 percent).
  • There was inflation in Palangka Raya (0.32 percent) and in Sampit (0.66 percent). Both cities are ranked 57th and 14th city of the highest inflation at the national level.
  • Inflation in Palangka Raya was mainly influenced by the increase in the price index in the foodstuffs group (1.11 percent) and health (0.44 percent).
  • Inflation in Sampit was mainly influenced by the increase in the price index in the health group (1.66 percent) and foodstuffs (1.57 percent).
  • Based on two reference cities (Palangka Raya and Sampit), Kalimantan Tengah Province experienced inflation (0.44 percent) followed by the inflation rate of the calendar year (0.66 percent) and year-on-year inflation (3.86 percent).
  • The effect of very high volatile foods as a driver of inflation in Palangka Raya (0.26 percent) and Sampit (0.40 percent).
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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